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    Hello my name is Darren Andrew Alspaugh. I was first welcomed to the world of photography my freshmen year of high school by Dan Yeager(My photography teacher), in one of Pick Town's schools at PHSC wonderful photography classes. Mr. Yeager has been a wonderful teacher educating me in nearly all I know in photography. Not shooting what it looks like, but shooting(taking pictures) of how the moment feels. The feeling of a loving family brought together or two brothers getting into mischief, the feeling should be there. 

    Photography isn't just a person walking around with a camera, but to me it's walking around with a lock box of priceless memories or keepsakes. I've had so much in my life of 16 years, and in just two years involving photography I have a passion for creating these pieces of art. With these pieces of "art" I've been told to make "Marvelous pictures", "Works of art" and simply getting a "Wow". 


I.   A little more about myself. I love everything given to me in life, to me everything is a blessing. Learning to take advantage of what is given to me has made me a grateful, out going, easy to work with photographer and person to be around in general. 

"Shoot wild, shoot wide open, keep it bokehilicious"-Darren Alspaugh 



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